Today Ryder knocked over my big box fan, when it hit the floor this horrible smell came out of it, i ran in there to find that he had knocked a dead mouse loose inside it, the mouse had ran into the fan, got cut up some by the blades, had layed there and died and i didnt know a thing about it...Thank goodness Jason hadnt left for work yet so he was able to take the fan apart and get it out and clean it all up...The smell was plum vulgar to my nose. i about lost my lunch.
Living near the country with a field of cows right behind my house we are no strange to mice, we nearly have one all the time that we are trying to kill...before we had kids we would put out poison for them to munch on and then they would go off and swell up somewhere and die and we would later have to find them once they started sticking...their favorite spot was under our lounge where Jason has had to scrap several dead, flat, stuck mice from underneath it. Once the mouse had swollen up into a huge ball of fur inside the box of poison near the stove, scarying me to death, making me scream, and jason to come running out of the shower wondering what was killing me.
After we had kids we switched to sticky traps!!! Still my favorite!!! I love to hear the mice scream once they have gotten on one and can get me a sense of satisfaction i guess you could say. We have however had some very comical moments with the sticky traps, our pug sophie got one stuck to her belly once and we literally had to shave her bald to get it was holding on for dear life. Also i have never seen a mouse go in reverse, they always run forward then turn around real quick and run forward again, but somehow this one night the mouse got only its hind legs stuck on the trap and it was pulling itself and the trap aournd by its front legs, totally freaky and night riveranne got up in the middle of the night to go use the bathroom, seconds after hearing her finish i head a mouse squeeling on the sticky trap which riveranne also heard, she came running into my room with her pants and undies still around her ankles screaming and crying in terror, something i think def tramatised her into making us switch our traps again.
Now we use the good ole original trap, with a little peanut butter on it (stickier and harder to lick off). the snap of the bar always sends chills down my spine and lesson learned first hand, never run and look as soon as the trap goes off cause even though it gets them and they arent going anywhere doesnt mean they are dead. I ran and opened the cabinet door and the mouse was trapped but still alive and jerking all over and nearly flung itself out on me, making me throw myself back agains the fridge...good times. Also when you have a trap set dont forget to check it the next morning to see if you caught one before your 2 year old son gets up and thinks its a toy and grabs it (true story).
Even though there really is no better mouse than a dead one, some of the best stories i have are of them running threw my house causing fits to be thrown by everyone i know. I had a friend once crawl to the tip top of the back of my couch screaming cause she saw one run threw my kitchen, one got stuck in the kitchen sink and i then began trying to beat it to death with a meat cleaver, no such luck. Once a mouse got in the trash can on my side of the bed, the side of the can was so slick it couldnt get out so i had jason but a piece of cardboard over it and he chucked it out into the road where it took off running as soon as it hit the ground, awesome sight to see. One decided it wanted to run into the bathroom and right over my foot one night, thank goodness i was already on the toilet or it might have been a true shitty situation...LOL...Even though they have given me several good laughs in my adulthood, there still is no better mouse than a dead one...
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