Sunday, March 20, 2011

pray the gay away

i want to start this blog off by saying this is a blog of opinion, mine opinion and nothing more, its a very touchy subject that i am not afraid to give my opinion on even if it differs from many people i know. as i sat at home this afternoon flipping through the channels i came across a show called "our america" on OWN network, with the subject of pray the gay away, of course this caught my attention and therefore i began watching. i have family members and several friends that are gay and i personally believe you are born gay!! i dont see how people would think that you are turned gay by the way you were raised, if that was the case then wouldnt gay people come from gay people, and um thats not possible...i do not believe its a choice, i dont understand why people would choose to be gay and in many cases have their family against them, many people against them and all the hate crime against them. i also cant believe its a choice when a 4 or 5 year old knows they are gay before they ever know what sexual orientation is. i just cant believe that.

the first section of the show was about a somewhat religious group of gay people, kinda like a hidden society, where gay people get together and try to pray the gay way and that, that is the only way to be close to God! within this group never not one person ever turned completely straight even if they did try living a straight lifestyle for the most part, the majority also had problems with depression and many suicides and suicide attemps, now here is when i get very confused. the bible says being gay will send you straight to hell so you try to pray the gay away so you can be someone your not resulting in depression and suicide that in the bible it says will also send you to hell...i just dont get it, why cant people just be happy with who they are. i dont believe you can help who you are attracted to and who you love.

in the second section of the show they went to a camp for children and teenageers that were struggling with their sexual oreintation and their moto was they were totally gay and totally christian all at the same time...they taught them how to love themselves, to know that God created them the same as everyone else, and how to learn about the Lord and how to love everyone. it was nice. they also brought up something i totally agree with, they said that every single scripture in the bible can be taken differently by every single person that reads it. i may read and understand one scripture totally differently than you do. its a very individual kind of thing. They said that God loved variety, he made many different kinds of birds, bugs, and plants, why not human beings as well. just something to think about.

I am not gay. however i will never judge someone that is. if you are comfortable with yourself and your relationship with God thats great and something that should only be between you and God anyways, it shouldnt involve anyone else. I just think that everyone should love themselves for who they are and shouldnt feel like they have to change for someone else...and i promise this if either of my children came to me and told me they were gay, i would do nothing but love them with all my heart and support them the best i possible could, because regardless i know i am raising my children to be good human beings, love and be kind to other people, not to judge and to love, worship and praise God and thats all that matters to me. oh and i love me a good drag queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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