We have been in our new house for like a little over 3 months now and we havent done a damn thing to any one of the neighbors near us to make them hate us and yet they are really pushing my damn buttons. we have two dogs, two small dogs that are HOUSE dogs that only go outside for very small periods of time to use the bathroom and might i add that we have a fenced in back yard, so there are always on our property. So this is a new place still for them and they are freakin dogs so yeah they bark sometimes but i have never just left them outside barking their damn heads off for hours at a time, yet a bitch neighbor of ours, who is like in her 60's felt it necessary to come to my house last thursday evening, rag my door bell, ran got in her car, cursed me like a damn dog when i opened the door, and without giving me a chance to rspond she drove off back to her house that is on the next road over. i was furious. i thought i was gonna have a freakin stroke i was so damn mad. so instead ofletting ugly tabatha comeout like i really wanted to and go to her house and handle my business i called for a police officer to come over so maybe they could relay my message to her that, that would NEVER ever happen again or i would whip her old ass all over my yard or hers which ever i had to do. so they went and talked to her and that was that. until tonight when while i had company i hear my doorbell ring once again and there stands yet another police officer saying there had been a complaint called in about my dogs barking. i informed him that my dogs have been in the house all day and the last time they had even went outside to use the bathroom was like 2 hours ago, he laughed and said no problem, me on the other hand, my blood was boiling. it is taking everything i have in me not to walk my fat ass over to her house right now. i know the bitch didnt hear my dogs barking for inside my house when she lives on the next street over. plus they are fucking dogs bitch, they will bark sometimes but they are always either in my house or in my yard, get the fuck over it. but im not gonna keep playig these little games with this old ass woman before i put an end to it for real and its not gonna be pretty at all, i can promise you that.
An not only have i been ealing with stupid neighbors but i have been dealing with trouble making family members as well lately. the same ones i always have trouble with because if they dont have enough drama going on they find some one to make more trouble with and this time i was just not willing to let them do their thing, with threatening, running their mouths and making up lies with out responding back to their trashy skanky ways, and they didnt like what i had to say but it was all straight truth. i have said what i wanted to say to them and i am ready to handle it any other way i need to if it comes to that because i am at a point in my life where im really not willing to put of with people fucking shit anymore and i will stop it any way i have to. i can cut you down with my tongue but dont think i wont beat a bitches ass if i have to cause i will and right now im not really worried about it at all. so with all that said my little vacation alone with jason away from all the bullshit cant come fast enough and thankfully its only a couple days away cause i dont know how much more i can take before i have a snapfest on each and every person that has pissed me off.
So if i dont come back home completely refreshed my little vacation alot of shit is about to go down cause i am beyond sick and tired of everyones bullshit.
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