I have been trying for several months now to just let things go. I have been trying to not let things get to me as bad as i have in the past, not to dwell on the things that do bother me, and i have been trying my hardest not to hold grudges, and not to feel ventictive, and revengeful towards people that have done things to me. However as much as i have tried, to do all these things, a person can only take so much before they snap and reverse back to the person they are trying so hard not to be and this past couple weeks have ruined all the hard work i have put into myself to try and make myself a better person.
I know i wrote about a couple of family members a while ago in a blog that had been giving me some trouble, family members that have always been drama filled and trouble makers and ones that i have all my life been ashamed to even admit i was related to. Well a few months ago my cousin and i had a blow up over her attacking me over something i had nothing to do with and actually had no clue about was going on. its not the first time this has happen and it surely wont be the last because this is the way they are. if there isnt enough drama going in their lives then they feel the need to create more. It turned extremely ugly with me stooping to her level and letting her know everything i had ever thought of her (all bad of course, with horrible language). i said what i wanted to say and then i was done. i figured it had been dropped since nothing had been said or done in a couple months. All of a sudden two weeks ago while picking my daughter up from school for a dr's appointment, my daughter jumped in the front seat buckled up and we headed out, my cousin and her friend were sitting in the school parking lot and decided it was necessary to call the police on me telling them that i had let a small child who was suppose to be in the back seat in a carseat up front, the police came to me, questioned me and saw that it was a complete lie and went on their way. why she found it necessary to start the bullshit all back up again i have no clue other than her being a trouble maker and drama whore. so it started back from there....
From the wednesday she called the police on me, for the rest of that week and the whole week after that, she and the girl she drives around all day decided to blow me kisses, stick their tongues out, and give me the finger each and every morning at the elementary school where our kids attend. i let her and her friend do it all while i gave nothing but a smile because they were stupid enough to do all those things in front of the school i was determined to let them get themselves into trouble and that is exactly what they did... after the teacher that lets the kids out of the cars each morning had witnessed this for over a week she snapped and said she would going to handle it resulting in a letter being sent to my cousin and her friend saying they had been seen harassing me and giving lude gestures in front of the school, were given some guideline and rules for dropping their kids off and told that if it didnt stop they would be banned from the schools property. me being envolve also i was sent a copy of the letter they had recieved to know that the matter was being handled. this was on a friday. that next monday my other cousin decided to start up some crap with my husband over it all, and since none of them can handle their own shit and they all have to get involved i was not sursprise but completely pissed over it and i called them up. my cousin and her friend decided they were going to go to the school and raise some hell over them recieving the letter from them, and to excuse them giving me the finger and stuff in front of the school they made up the lie that i had tried to run them and their children over in the school parking lot, which the school knows is a lie. 15 minutes after leaving the school raising hell they caught me in houchens parking lot loading my groceries and decided to jump me. They ran their vehicle right up on me, my cousin her friend and her father, jumped out on me screaming yelling, cursing, and trying to fight me right there in the middle of the day in a public place with tons of witnesses who saw them jump me while i was loading groceries. it got extremely ugly until the police showed up and ended it, it was a big mess all because they were blaming me for them getting into trouble at the school. i was recommended to go to the county attorney and i did were i found out they had filed on me saying i had tried to run over them in which i have proof i did not, i went ahead and filed a no contact order on them since it had gotten way out of hand and physical and they have not been served with their no contact no communication orders on all three of the ones that jumped me at the store. and yet they are still following me around town, and i have still been getting private calls letting me know i need to watch my back. but i will say this and i mean it with everything in me, they will not show up at my house, and they will not jump me again, i have taken precaustions to make sure that shit doesnt ever happen again. they are nothing but white trash, skanky, trouble makers, drama whores, that will never be anything in this life or have anything in this life and i will no longer allow myself to be associated with them in any way ever again. they are no relation to me and as far as i am concerned they do not exist and that is perfectly ok with me. so here i am on my way to trying to become a not so angry person, not a grudge holder, and a spiteful, vendictive person once again, its not going to be easy but im trying. i have to cause im gonna let them knock me down to their level. its just a sham that their are so many people out there that thrive on trying to bring others down to their very low level in life....but its not going to be me.....anymore.....
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