Thursday, August 30, 2012


          I whitnessed a brat today for the very first time in my daughter, i was completely shocked and very upset. ok, with my husbands work schedule and my childrens school times, my husband does not get to see my kids at all during the week. saturdays and sundays are the only days he gets to spend with them and more than half the time he only gets to spend precious time with them on sundays. this fact upsets my husband and my children quite often and leaves me heart broken seeing them upset over it with nothing that i can do about it or change it. so today my husband went to the store and came back home with two small toys, a small lego set for my son who just started preschool this year, and a small mario princess figure for my daughter. he left them on the table for each of them with a sweet note for each. when we came home ryder ran to the table and was completely excited to see what daddy had gotten him, i read him the note and he was so happy. riveranne on the other side, walked over to it saw that it was a small figure and said " this is just stupid". with me already having a very stressful day and being in complete shock that those words had just come out of her mouth, i completely lost it on her. i couldnt even help it. i let her know that she was completely rude, and disrespectful for saying that when daddy had gotten her that thing because he had been missing her so very much, i also let her know that he didnt have to get her anything and that she now would not recieve this gift from him either. i called her a little brat (which maybe i shouldnt have) and told her i was extremely disapointed in her. she then became very upset herself crying, and continued to cry and apologize for about an hour and half. yet i  still did not let her have the gift, i told her it would be returned to the store and that she would NEVER act that way ever again.
          The reason this upset me so much and shocked me so, was because neither of my children have ever been like that ever before. they have both always been so grateful for everything they have ever gotten. when asked what they want for birthdays and christmas they will name a few things but will also tell you that they will love anything that you get them. so to hear that come out of her mouth ran all over me and i knew i need to take drastic messures to make sure that shit never happened again. i think i got the point across. She wrote her daddy a note saying she was sorry but she also realizes that just because she cried and said she was sorry that doesnt mean that she is going to get the gift back because she is not.
          I know too many brat kids, more than i would ever care to know actually. i swore when i became a mother that my children would never be like that ever. i know children that get whatever they want whenever they want it, even if that means they get a new toy each time they go to the store, they are rude and disrespectful, they are not thankful for anything that they have or get and always want more and better things. dont get me wrong my kids do for the most part get everything they ever want but they only get them when it is birthdays and christmas and not on an everyday basis and they understand the reasons why. i will not ever buy my kids love. my kids know i love them because of the time i spend with them and the attention and affection i give them. too many people these days think they have to buy their childrens love which results in snotty brat kids that are so disrispectful and ungrateful and i can honestly say i cant stand being around kids like that or parents that have made their kids like that and the sad thing is more people are like this these days than not. i know for a fact that my daughter saw someone else act like that and thought she could do it, she is only 7 and im sure she was testing the water, the fact is i will not tolerate her acting like that, and i know for a FACT i have not raised her to act like that. so im completely happy to say that i am convinced that this will not happen again., and i will take all messure possible to make sure my child is not around other parents and kids that are. it is not something i want my kids subjected too.

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