Thursday, July 30, 2015
users and abusers
boy have i dealt with people like this all my life. its ridiculous how many actually. i have learned that has cold hearted and mean i can be if someone needs help, of any kind, i try my best to be there. deep down i try to be everyones hero, try to make everything right and everyone happy. its been a blessing and one of my biggest flaws at the same time. flaw meaning i have allowed people to use me for when they need something or someone far to many times. i actually had a 10 yr friendship that was soley based on me always being there for when she needed me and always coming to her rescue. its sad at time from my side of those kind of relationships because as much as i give i have never had those people be willing to do the same for me if i ever did need it. i have always given more than i ever received. so i realized that one certain friendship was only that me always being there and giving and giving and getting nothing in return, not even true friendship so about 5 years ago i let that friendship go, i removed myself from the situation. and what happens, still even after we are no long friends, no long talk, or hang out, who does she call when something horrible is going on and she needs someone, ME. and stupid me, who goes running yet again to the rescue, ME. and what does she do like every other time before, leave me hanging, no responses after i drop everything for her, no update on the horrible situation in which i helped the best i could and no word from her since. well you know i try to do my best by most people but this with her will never happen again, im tired of being used all the time because the people she puts her time into will never be the ones that come to her rescue and help her when she needs it but i have and she has always treated me like dog shit on her shoes, so it will never happen again, mark my word. my good heart and willingness to help is no longer available to her im done for good this time. but she is far from the only one in my life that has put me in this position. my sister my very best friend has done me this way as well. from the day that my nephew was born i told her i would watch him for free to get them to move back to our hometown. i wanted him in my life as much as possible and luckily he has been he is like my very own, however i have made myself available to watch him for free whenever they may need or want a sitter and for the most part that has never been a problem and i have loved every single minute of it. i have never in his 6 years of life told them no when they asked me to have him for them, which is often. the problem is they always know im here to have him and will never say no because i love him that much. but now that i have 5 children of my own, 2 biological and 3 foster kids, the favors are never recipricated to me. i have asked for a break rarely, times when my husband and i would like to go to dinner alone, for one hour, asking my sister to sit at my house with my kids after i have fed them and bathed them and she always say NO. even when i do everything and she would have to do nothing she still says no. its so frustrating at times. i have her child all the time i feed him and her at least 3 times a week, i provide everything for him while he is with me, i have him so they can work and so they can have fun and she cant even watch my kids for one hour at my house with everything done for her except for her to watch them and make sure they do not burn the house down or kill one another. ridiculous and like i said before i really hate being used but i have a feeling i have done this to myself by making it too easy for her to know that i will have him all the time, i have created a monster and it has nothing to do with me having him because i would every single day i love having him but i would love the same treatment every once in a while ya know. my dad takes advantage of me because i have always made myself available to him and so do many other people, many who are not to do the same things for me if i were to need them...its sad sometimes. guess im just gonna have to change the way i do things and stop making myself so available to others and what they need and want and start only worrying about me and my family.
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