woke up this morning after having a dream and was madder than fire, with lots to say to a certain person and the more i thought about it the madder i got, i got up out of the bed and got the kids up and breakfast made and thought about what i was gonna say to this person, everything i felt, let them know about themselves and then i realized all of sudden how they were not worth one breath from me or one second of my thoughts.
its odd how a dream will bring back up something that you havent even thought about in a long minute, and then its all right back, all the anger, and frustration and wanting to let those people know about themselves, i have always been a very confrontational person, i will let you know exactly how i feel about almost anything without worrying about what you really think. the fact that i havent really told these people exactly what i think of them i believe is what has brought it all back up to me again in a dream, especially since i have been having very descriptive dreams lately. All i want to do is come face to face with them and let them know how hypicritical they are, and childish, and as much as they may think they are christians, they really need to re-evalute themselves with the way they act and treat others that have done nothing but help them out in the past and do for them, love them and pray for them. talk about people behind their backs and make up lies about them... sometimes i wonder how i let them slip under my radar and why i ever did so much for them and gave a crap about them when i was witnessing them do others this way, i should have def know they would do it to me as well...i must have been stupid or something...i know that coming face to face with them and telling everything i thought would have no effect on them cause they enjoy being the way they are like its a game or something to them and all their friends but still i really think it would make me feel better but why waste my time and breath, they are not worth it, not one bit, they will be the ones to have to live with the way they have done people and trying to call themselves christians there is no place for me to to do it for them, it will come back to them soon enough....
these dreams are really starting to bother me with bringing back up all kinds of different things i hadnt worried with in a while...but oh well...just thought i would vent this out this morning and get some of it off my chest persay.
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