so as monday was sure to come here i am at 6 in the morning on riverannes spring break wide awake while both kids are still sleeping, jason just went to work. i wanted nothing more than the kids to sleep in so i could and that just didnt happen. oh well. as i sit here in the darken house im very hopeful and excited for the storms we are suppose to be getting today, i just cant say enough how much i really really love them...i could have it come a thunderstorm every other day. My windows are open and im loving the warm tempts and the awesome breeze coming in. and as calm as i am right now i am also very overwhelmed with all that i have going on this week. oh how i wish i was on the beach relaxing all week, soaking up the sun, and having a blast like my youngest sister is this week, but as she is living the dream, im here at home living the reality.
Today starts the fun, i have to take my daughter to the dr this morning because she has been having alot of issues with not being able to hear. i catch her with her tv blaring all the time saying she cant hear it. It has been taking me 3 or 4 times saying here name before she seems to hear me and answer me and as much as i would like to get angry thinking it is just selective hearing im afraid that it really isnt and that she is having some real trouble with her ears and really cant hear me. she has always had alot of trouble with ear infections and now i just praying that there is nothing permenantly wrong with her poor little ears because of them.
on another medical note, i am also gonna be having a procedure done this week, an upper scope run on my stomach because they are wanting to check and make sure i dont have a hernia, or something else wrong before they go ahead and remove my gallbladder which is full of gall stones, i only pray that they fing out something might explain all the stomach issues and back pain i have been having for way to long now. i cant lie and say im not nervous, they say i will be sudated but im still tripping about feeling the scope being put down my throat, and then im tripping about being put all the way out for my gallbladder to be removed as well, even though i have had two c section i was awake for them so this will be the first time i have ever been completely put under.
and yet another glorious thing this week is, this is jasons long week to work making it even less time he is here to help me out with everything else going on and i have to be at western tuesday all day for class and a test, then thursday for class and a test, and then again on friday for yet another wonderful test, yep you heard that right, three tests this week along with everything else..yay for me. and as much as i really should be studying for the three test i have, i am sitting here on the computer typing away. you know i scheduled this whole semester of college around jason working 2nd shift and it was all working out great until his job decided to move him to a 12 hour day shift right in the middle of my semester forcing me to search and try and find a babysitter for a son and now both of my children since riveranne is on spring break this week, not an easy task might i add, but it has all worked out so far, it just makes it all very stressful for me at time.
now on to a lighter topic, this weekend was awesome, perfect weather, jason was off, and we had a great time all together, much needed family time for sure. it was perfect. its coming upon that time again for cookouts and family and friends time and i just simply cant wait, its my favorite time of the years, so many fun things you can do in the spring and summer. and now my loves have awaken so my life of milk and honey buns has started...good morning everyone.
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