Thursday, February 23, 2012


          I wake up in the morning and rush to get my shower, get my daughter up, dressed, hair and teeth brushed and out the door for school with 45 minutes to do it in. I take her to school by 7, and i head to my job which even though it only takes me an hour to an hour and half to do it is a 7 day a week job. As soon as i am done with my job i head straight to WKU for classes 3 days a week and must be there by 9am. and on the days i dont have class i have 2 online classes i do. When i finish class I try and do all the errands, bill paying, and grocery shopping i can get done in the short amount of time i have before i have to be back at the school to get my daughter at 2. When we get home we both do homework, and i start dinner, then we eat, we get baths, i clean, i get them in bed, i clean some more, then i try and study and do more homework after they are asleep so i can focus more. I also do thirtyone stuff nearly every single day as well. And like i didnt already have enough stuff to do, i have now takn on a workout regimen and i hit up curves monday, wednesday, and friday mornings, thursday nights for zumba and saturdays when the kids dont have ball games which will be starting back up again realy soon. I rarely get more than 5 hours of sleep each night and i have been sick for what seems like forever cause i dont have time to get better. I think i may be loosing it. and i mean really loosing it. The last two semesters i have been able to work it all out and make good grades and be motivated and proud of myself and even though this semester has just started i am already feeling completely unmotivated with school and with my new workout regimen, and the lack of motivation is showing in my school work for sure, i did horrible on my first accounting test this week and now i have a history test tomorrow that i am also not prepared for. Im so frustrated. Im not really sure what my deal is really, cause other than be super duper busy everything else is goin great, i think i just need a break and im hoping that in two weeks when my husband and i take our little relaxation getaway, away from the house the kids the dogs, work, school and everyone and everything, im hoping i will come back refreshed and ready to catch back up and give it all my very best. i have just been feeling like i dont have time to breath let alone think or rest.
           And with all of this going on I have also been having some major family (aunt uncle and cousins) drama and i cant stress this enough that i am soooooooooooo over all the drama people bring to me and i dont want anything to do with any of it and yet as soon as i get one drama filled situation out of my life, here comes another. So i have been prayer for removal of it and of them from my life, whether temporary or permanant, i dont really care at this point. I dont want to see them, hear anything about them, talk to them or anything and i hope that they understand this or i will have to make it very clear in a very ugly way.
          SO let talk about this workout thing im doing, i actually really like it curves is an awesome place and i have met a bunch of awesome new people, no one judges you there and there are all kinds of different people that go there with all kinds of different body types so you dont feel bad about yourself. The circuit is wonderful because its quick workouts on several different machines so you dont get bored and you dont get sore, and zumba is intense but sooo much fun. ad even though i have been super motivated and determined to do this and try and make myself healthier, its not working as i thought it all would, today was my first weigh in and after a month of hard core working out i havent lost any weight, i have lost body fat mass and 5 inches but no weight and that is just very unmotivating and that worries me, cause i am def a quitter i cant lie so if i stay unmotivated i will more than likely stop going and i really dont want to do that. I have also been thinking about not going back to school next semester also which is a HORRIBLE thought for me to be having because that is what happened last time i was going to college, i had to take one semester off and i never went back not for 8 years and i really really want to get a degree and help make a better life for my family and help my husband get out of that factory and be able to work towards his dreams as well.
          And while im on my little rant, ill go ahead and lay it out that i want another baby. but i cant have one because my husband had a vasectomy. on most days i know that i have all that i need one girl and one boy that are wonderful and that i am soooo thankfu to have but deep deep down in me i really do want another one. so my baby sister is pregnant and i have tried to convience myself that whe she has the baby i will be able to get my baby fix and i this feeling i have been having will surely then pass but then i dont ever even see her or hear from her so what makes me think i will ever see the baby as much as i would like too, and my step sister is also pregnant and i wont ever get to see hers either, im kinda jealous that they are pregnant and i cant ever be again.
         And sometimes i feel like jason and i are in a rut when it comes to our realtionship and our marriage, we have been together nearly our whole lives and i wouldnt trade that for the world and dont get me wrong i want to be with im for the rest of my life no doubt about that , but we just dont ever seem to have time for one anothe anymore with everything else we both have going on and then he gets mad at me because i am so extremely exhausted all the time. whats a girl to do, so i book a small trip for just me and him, 4 night away from it all to relax, and enjoy each other with no time schedule and nothing planned, just winging it. and neither one of us can hardly wait, its just what we are needing i truely believe that. and now that my little rant is over i will end this here, but only for now, i will be back and that is a promise...hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weight loss has to come very first before toning and definition can be attained. The best lower core workout are those that include each of these aspects and focus on overall fitness of your body. Your abdominal are part of your "core", which consists of all of the muscles in your trunk and pelvis area. When you do exercises for your core, you strengthen all of the muscles in a way that keeps them working together.

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