Sunday, September 17, 2017

may 24th the second time it happened

11 days after derric choked and hit me, i gave into him again. he had called me 100 times a days, and texts begging me to forgive him and to meet with him so he could apologize to me in person and then he would leave me alone. and despite my better judgement, i gave in and agreed to meet with him one last time.when i arrived where he was staying he asked me to give him a ride, to our walmart, and me being me, i did. and as soon as i started driving he began accusing me of messing with his family members. we were only a half a mile from the walmart when he grabbed my phone and threw it out the window of my van and it shattered all over the road. once we approached the red light at the walmart he rared back and punched me in the right side of my face while i was driving. luckily i was able to stop the vehicle and another person driving beside me saw what had happened and called the cops, once stopped i jumped out of the van in the middle of the road and was screaming and crying. i knew he wouldnt stop if if i didnt, cops came and there came the EPO against derric and i was left with another black eye. never ever again.

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