Sunday, July 14, 2013

government controls

the government controls everything...when are some people going to understand not saying that i agree or disagree with the outcome of the trayvon and zimmermen case because truely i have not watched it or kept up with all the details to give my true opinion but either way guys, this is not the first time a child has been murdered, and this is not the first time that someone who committed  murder has walked free. Thousands of men, women, and children, are murdered every single day in this horrible world that we live in. 99% of them we will never even know about, why because the government chooses which ones to make public due to which ones they think will cause the most attention and contraversy (sp). whether you want to believe this or not this one was chosen for the simple fact that racism matters could apply and they knew people would run with that and make a big deal of out of it. if you know me you know i am the last person that would ever be thought of as racist, but its the truth because the government like to cause drama, its full of it, they like to try and play us against each other, what will get the most attention and most rating when broad casted on tv. its sad really  and i am not say dont show support to which ever side of the case you support but educate yourself by research and find out how many horrible horrible things happen in this world that we never even knew anything about...its all government controlled.

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