Thursday, February 17, 2011 sure sucks to be sick

i hate being sick. for so many reason. 1. being sick all in itsself sucks because you feel horrible, you cant think, you cant rest, and you cant get done all the many things that you need to get done, you dont feel like doing anything at all but laying in the bed and yet you still cant rest. it just all around sucks. 2. being the wife and mother when you get sick there is no one there to baby you, take care of you, make you feel better, and pick up the slack of everything you do on a daily basis, therefore with me being sick all week so far, i have had to try my best to go on with everything im suppose to do as usual, taking care of the kids fulltime, school work, the dog, picking up toys, laundry, dishes, all other cleaning and maintaining, paying bills and grocery shopping all on top of feeling like a big pile of dog poop and hardly getting any rest. and dnow both my kids are under the weather also, yay! 3. when a man (like my hubby) gets sick he acts like he is dying, he cant do anything but lay in the bed for days wanting you to wait on him hand and foot and nurse him back to health but then act like how dare you get sick when you are sick and is not willing to do anything for you...i believe my hubby was plum mad this morning when he had to get up with the kids instead of me because i hadnt rested good and felt horrible. he just acts like its a tragedy or something. wont help with any of the house work so with me not feeling like doing it, the house is plum out of control and i dont think i have it in me to get it back in order...whats a girl to with it i guess...but it sure sucks to be sick.

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