Sunday, February 5, 2012


Why do people do the things they do?
Why do people feel the way they feel?
Why do people lie the way they lie?
Why do people make up stories about themselves and other people?
Why would someone talk horrible about their family and friends and then try and drill it in to peoples heads that they love them sooooo much?
Why would someone talk horrible about the people they say are their best friends?
Why would someone wanna be friends with people that have done them so wrong in the past?
Why do people bring people into their homes that mistreat them and their kids?
Why do people pawn their kids off on other to do out partying all the time?
Why do people search for take pain pills all the time to try and numb themselves?
Why do some people think its better to leave someone hanging instead of giving them a call?
Why do people sit on the couch all day long then complain about sitting on the couch all day long?
Why do people say their kids are their wole life when talking to others when they never even wanted them to begin with?
Why would someone stay with someone after being abused?
Why would someone stay with someone after being cheated on?
Why would someone lie about owning their home when they rent?
Why would someone lie about so called money they recieved from someones death?
Why would people lie about their health to make people feel sorry for them?
Why would someone cheat on the mate that actually treats them good?
Why would someone tell another person they were hated by someone that didnt hate them?
Why would someone put another person in their wedding if they didnt want them to be?
Why do people make fun of other people?
Why do people call others names?
Why do people spread rumers about others that arent true?
Why do people fuss about others writting stuff on facebook and on blogs when they do the same things?
Why do people say their lives are sooo horrible and then in the next breath say it is soooo perfect?
Why would someone think they could talk about everyone else to you and then actually think you believe they dont talk about you behind your back?
Why do people push away the people that care for them?
Why do people treat the people that care for them like shit and then suck up to the ones that treat them like crap?
Why do people not discipline their children?
Why do people think that buying things is a way to show you love them?
Why do people keep putting up with someone that treats them horrible?
Why do people put forth so much effort when none is given to them?
Why do people drop everything to be there for someone when they need them when they would never recieve that in return if needed?
Why do people feel horrible, and worried about someone when they never meant anything to them?
Why cant people just get over things and move on when its obivious they were never important to someone?
Why do people ignore your phone calls and texts?
Why do people stand you up with no explaination?
Why do some people not want more for their children?
Why do some peopl not want to work for what they need?
Why do some people strive on drama and when there isnt any they have to create some?
Why do some people treat one child differently than the others?
Why do some people let their children be disrespectful little brats that no one wants to be around?
Why do people sleep around with a lot of different people and not love any of them?
Why do people choose their partners over their kids?
Why do people feel the need to talk about things they have no idea about?
Why do people take others for granted?
Why do people say one thing and mean something else?
Why do people deny things they have done?
Why do people tell all their darkest secrets to someone and then plays it off like that person doesnt know them at all?
Why do people think everyone people write about it about them?
Why do people take others words for things instead of finding out the true on their own?
Why do people lie about viewing others stuff when its obvious they do?
Why say your not talking about someone and that you dont care, when every blog you ahve written in the last little while has had something to do with them in it for a fact.
Why write something and then deny its about someone inparticular just because you didnt use their name?
Why do people write horrible things about someone and think that just because they deleted it afterwards that the person they wrote it about didnt see it?
Why do people think others are so stupid?
Why do people keep worrying about people that arent worth the worry never has been?
Why do people keep coming and telling things like i care anymore?
Why didnt i learn my lesson a long ass time ago?
Why didnt i listen to everyone that was trying to warn me?
Why do people have to just keep on and on and on?
These are questions i have asked myself, about myself, and about a few other people i know. I know the answer to most of the questions whether i fully understand them is another question all in itself.

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