Saturday, July 19, 2014

football playing girl

so in the last year or so my daughter who has never been a girly girl has taken it even further. all of a sudden she no longer wants to wear girls clothing, or shoes, doesnt want to play anything girly and has even made comments of wanting to be a boy and when her and the boys play games she always plays a boy. she even went and cut all of her hair off also. she is 9 years old and even though i am very supportive when it comes to things like this i dont think my daughter is transgender or even in that fact gay. i think this is some sort of phase and either way im just going with the flow. she has tons of girl clothes so no i will not be getting rid of all those and replacing them with boy clothes because i cant afford to do something like that but whenever we do purchase new things i have tried my best to buy her boy clothing that she will like, i let her cut her hair off because i in fact have short hair and how could i not let her do the same. and as she has always been completely into sports like soccer and basketball she has decided this year that she also wants to play football so guess what this mama is gonna do, im signing her up for football, shes a big rough and tough girl im excited for her to show those boys what she is made of. the reason i think this is only a phase at this point is because her and i have sit down and had a couple of good long talks about it all and she still likes boys and has lil boyfriends, she just isnt girly and therefore she doesnt enjoy playing girly things and tends to navigate towards the boys and the things they like to play and thats perfectly normal and fine. she just say she wants to be a boy because at school they make them play games girls against boys and of course she is placed on the girls team and they always lose, she doesnt like losing, she wants to be a boy so she can be on the better team and win, which i think is funny. however even though i am supporting her in everything she does and says i still make known and very clear that girls can do anything and everything a boy can do and be just as successful and still be a girl. i just love her to the moon and back and want her to know that she can be anything she wants to be and can do anything she sets her mind to and be proud the problem is she has been struggling with making friends because of this because the girls dont accept her because she isnt girly and the majority of the boys dont either because at this age she is still just a girl and it doesnt matter that she likes all the stuff they do and can in fact do them better than most of them but hopefully this is will all work itself out soon, i hate to see her struggle so much over something that isnt that big of a deal.

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