Thursday, March 10, 2011

childhood memories

for the most part i had a normal childhood. i had two younger sisters, two loving parents and lots of cousins, and aunts and uncles. we always had something going on and lots of fun. most of my best memories are just being with my sisters, playing, and pulling pranks on my youngest sister, i could talk for days about all the things we used to do and poor amy was usually the butt of our jokes.

now i will share some of the events that i remember so fondly that still to this day brings a smile to my face when i think of them. with me being the oldest, me and heather my middle sister would pull lots of pranks and things on our youngest sister amy, she was the baby and some what spoiled so we would mess with her the most...once we had ran out of soap so my youngest sister decided to wash her whole body with shampoo, when she got out of the shower and told us this we proceeded to tell her that everywhere you put shampoo, hair will grow and she went around for a while thinking there was gonna be long thick hair all over her body...another time that coems to mind was the day i was vacumming and heather was eating some crackers on the couch, heather and i both had very long hair when we were younger so i took it apon myself to take advantage of the situation and pull another one over on amy, we called for amy to come to the livingroom and heather crumbled some crackers on her shirt and i was gonna vacuum them up, as amy sat there watching i took the attachment of the vacumm sucked the crumbs up and then sucked heathers hair up in it, heather and i both knew that her hair would pull right out of the long attachment but amy sure didnt and she freaked and started beating the crap out me for doing that to heather, we couldnt stop laughing it was so funny, but amy sure didnt think  it

i have always loved storms as back as far as i can remember but heather and amy not so much...this one day they were calling for severe weather and i was all excited but heather and amy were terrified, with our aunt living right across the backyard and us being home alone we thought it would be best to go on over to her house for a bit while it stormed, so out the back door we let me paint this picture for you, heather and amy were standing behind me as i was locking the door, with in a couple of seconds it took me to lock the back door, a flash of lightening showed and the loudest boom of thunder, as i turned heather and amy were no where to be seen, i looked far across the yard and they were standing on my aunts porch like they had been there for years waiting on me, the thunder had scared them so badly that they litterally FLEW over there faster than i have ever seen anything move, i couldnt believe it and like to have not made it over there myself because i was laughing so was like BOOM....GONE!!! hilarious i tell ya...which brings another time to the summer we would love to jump on the trampoline in the rain, it was so fun cause the rainw ould make the trampoline slippery, as my grand mother and father sat on the proch of her house right across the street from us heather and i were jumping our hearts out on the trampoline have a blast when all of a sudden while heather was midair a boom of thunder came, it scared her so badly that she started running, in midair, somehow caught some traction and ran right off the trampoline before ever coming back down, she never touched it, ran on air and was off and gone...yet another hilarious story of my life...

with me beign the oldest, me and heather were very close and both of us would fight more with amy naturally and also with me beign the oldest i found it quite fun to be the instigator as well and this one time they were fighting in the back yard and all i could do was keep it going for my own entertainment, when heather would make amy cry i would look at amy and say are you gonna take that then she would bull charge heather knocking her down, then heather would get hurt and i would look at her and say i know you aint gonna take that from your younger sister so then she would bull charge amy knocking her down and the fight went on and on, it was until they both had each other pinned to the ground while pulling each others hair that i found it in me to break them up, i swear i could have made a killing off selling tickets to that to the neighbor, it was monday night raw in my own back yard....

but now dont get me wrong the entertain ment didnt always come from my sisters, i did my fair share of it as well...once while at one of my dads friends house i went to sit down outside and plopped my butt right down in a big cow pile, yep i sit in shit...had to take all my clothes off and rode home nearly naked because of it, i also decided on trip to walmart with my mom close to halloween that i would put on a dog collar and a dog mask and go up and down all the isles barking at people that went by me, totally embarrassing my mom and make her nearly beat me when we left,,,aahhh good times...and as i grew older it just got worse, i am what you would say a fairly tall girl, and with my mother being on 4 foot 9 inches she was always a fun one to pick on and normally took it well and laughed because i was never mean about it but this one night at my uncles house during the couple years we lived with him, mom was mad at me for something and was acting like she was gonna hit me with a fly swatter, i grabbed it from her in a joking manner and held it up over my head, and stupid me said if you can reach it you can have it and whop me with it, she snapped, which isnt something she does often, she ran up the loveseat to the very tip top and as i stood there looking at her in shock, in slow motion she hurled herself off the loveseat on top of me, grabbed the fly swat and beat the crap out me with it all the while my uncle did nothing but sat there laughing his ass off over it, it really was hilarious and i learned right then and there that even though i was a foot taller than her she was still my mother and would still get me good...hilarious to think back at it.

and as i could go on and on and on for days about all the things i did when i was younger that would make you all understand that i have been crazy since birth i have decided to end it here but only for now, as more things come to mind i will return to share them with you all...there is truely nothing i love more than being with all my family thinking back and talking about all the awesomely funny things, and if you know me then you know i am one heck of a story teller and reading this on here instead of me telling you in person doesnt do them justice at all but i still hope you got a little chuckle from them and be ready for more to come in the future cause these are the things that have brought me to where i am today with this wonderful, crazy life i am proud to call mine.

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