Wednesday, December 8, 2010

kids do say the darnedest things!!!!

Me being a stay at home mother with a very out there personality, im not shocked that my children are the very same way...Riveranne more so because she is older but ryder is already just as dramatic in his story telling we just cant always understand what he is saying. Today after school Riveranne came home and took her jacket off, i then noticed her shirt was on backwards and had been all day long, she looked at me with her silly face and then said " i know i put it on right this morning, i wonder who snuck up and turned it around on me." I couldnt help myself but to chuckle a little. This is an everyday event in our house for one or both of my children to have me in stitches over the crazy things that come out of their mouths. dont get me wrong its not just their words that crack me up but also their actions. i will never forget riveranne as a toddler, she was play cooking and fed me something, i of course acted like it tasted so very good and then she looked at me and said "mama you just ate a turd" now how in the world she came up with that is still a mystery to me but i just died laughing...Ryder is just as crazy, since the cooler weather has come on he has had stuffy nose, runny nose and booger filled nose, he has learned like every other kids that sticking your finger up your nose with not only get the boogers out but will also get very strange looks from strangers and a very quick and loud "get your finger out of your nose" response from mommy, which he finds all three very night we were sitting on the couch and i was very engaged in my facebook, i could see that he had his finger in his nose but never expected what happened next...he pulled his finger out and slipped it in my mouth, booger and all, perfect move i guess since i wasnt paying good attention to him, he thought it was hilarious, i spit in the floor, gagged a little and yelled dont you ever do that again. something else i will never forget...LOL

Another awesome characteristic of being a 5 year old is the awesome brutal honesty... in the past 5 years i have been told that i have two fat rolls on my tummy because i had to kids, something i am willing to go with, riveranne also informed me once that she was jealous because i have two chins and she only has one and its just not fair, and while popping my back one night riveranne said "mama you have a long butt crack" something very random since my butt crack was completely covered and i have no idea why she was thinking about it. so i responded "well i have a big butt" then riveranne said "yeah thats why you poop big turds"...i couldnt help but laugh...

Ryder is a little too young for these comments yet but hey just give him time right, i mean look at who his mother is, he already thinks it is hilarious and neccessary everytime he passes gas to grab his butt and scream out "i farted"....oh gotta love him.

I love every single werid thing that my riveranne and ryder does, they can always make my day better because they keep me laughing, they are so much fun and such a blessing in my life, i cant help that they got my craziness!!!

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